Sunday, March 18, 2007

Neptoon's Habbosode...

Well, whatdya know - you can finally see our full short (along with 9 others) over at the Habbo site. ~CLICK~

We had finacial backing from Elliott Animation and even though we created, designed, boarded, casted, animated, directed and produced it, our studio didn't get credit...hmmmm.

Anyway, it's not the best thing in the world but it was a fun gig. I think you can vote on may need to be a member - don't know for sure.

Wednesday, March 14, 2007


Haven't had a lot of time to draw lately - it's amazing how uncreative the directing process in Canada has become. I still find a nugget of free time here and there but not as much as I'd like - or need.

Here's some development for a concept I've been working on for the last million years. I think I prefer the rough line on the middle one over the clean version.

The title of this post is very fitting to my mood lately.....please save me.

Monday, March 05, 2007

Hello? Is there anybody out there....?

Anyone looking to work on this STOP-MOTION film
-- in Toronto --
is encouraged, nay, ordered to send their resumés, portfolios or reels to

Friday, March 02, 2007

Rumnut Rhymes...

Here's a little Rumnut I wrote.
We have about 15 of these little suckers so far and we hope to publish the collection when we're finished. The idea of them being animated interstitials has crossed our minds as well.

Not settled on the illo style, layout or font yet but we do know we'll be using the pseudonyms Merv Koffin and Markus Thorne.