Sunday, July 27, 2008

My First Elliott Job...

This was the very first job I did for Elliott's - about 10 yrs ago. I think it was for some video game promo. George didn't like it very much from what I remember.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008


When will this end

Easy on the speed balls buddy

Super sweat glands


What an f-upped show

Sunday, July 20, 2008


Development for something... from what I remember it was a "super girl scout" show. I guess kinda like "The Mighty B" sorta thing. The idea never went anywhere as far as I know.

Saturday, July 12, 2008


Digging through my old junk again. Found these super old development designs I did for a John Lithgow book called "The Remarkable Farkle McBribe".
Can't remember what I was referencing at the time. Kinda looks like Rug Rats and Strawberry Shortcake meet the Bobble Heads...hmmmm, weird.

Friday, June 06, 2008


We had been contacted awhile back by Warner Bros. - they had come across our vinyl toy "Crush" and wanted to use it as set dressing in a new pilot they were doing called "Spaced". turns out the pilot was pitched to Fox and they turned it down, which is too bad, cuz it looked pretty funny.

Shit! I hope they don't blame us.

Primetime Pilot Panic: Fox Nixes 'Spaced'
UPDATE: Despite all the buzz, and exec producer McG, and a "phenomenal cast", Spaced is a no-go, I'm told. FBC just turned thumbs down on the WBTV/Wonderland pilot, which was adapted from the successful British TV series.

Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Howdy Neighbour! ... (or is it neighbor?)

Those of you in the good ol' U.S. of A. will now be able to watch season one of
Total Drama Island.

It starts this Thursday night at 9:00 pm on CARTOON NETWORK.

Tell your friends!

Wednesday, May 28, 2008


So I haven't blogged in awhile, so what....ya wanna fight about it.
I've been busy getting second season Total Drama Island up and running and will start posting new images on the TDI blog soon. We've pulled down all the old stuff because of an international sale - they don't want any spoilers.
I've also been meeting with Corus Ent recently to nail down a script editor for Sidekicks. We got alot of super funny scripts in and I just want to thank everyone for their hard work. Hopefully we can start production in the new year.
And 3 - Mark and I are working on a development project for Elliott's that we can't show any work for, far as new artwork goes - nada.

Tuesday, March 04, 2008


The bad news, I didn't win an Oscar again this year.

The good news, YOU COULD!
Crush DIY vinyls are now available! See the Buy Me link in the right hand column to get your very own...and show us what you've got - creatively;)
Send pictures of your original painted version of CRUSH to
The artist with the most creative and best executed CRUSH will be the WINNER of this one of a kind, signed CRUSH OSCAR!!! And will be featured on the Neptoon's blog for all to enjoy.
The winner will be announced - May 1st 2008 ~ Good luck!

Friday, February 15, 2008


Playing around with some cool software called "VEGAS".


Tuesday, January 22, 2008


We've received our final numbers from our project manager and distributor, and it appears our earlier price was incorrect.
The good news is - the price for our CRUSH vinyl is actually $29.99 and not $74.99 as earlier advertised.

$29.99 !!!