Friday, December 10, 2010

3 PROGRAMS ???...

It took 3 different programs to make this one image. I drew it in Flash, cleaned it in Illustrator and colored it in Photoshop. I think I'm just dumb and don't know any of these programs well enough to use them to their full potential. I mean..,there's gotta be ONE program that can do it all, right?

To clarify - A program that will allow me to minipulate the proportions of my thumbnail drawings then 'clean' them with a crisp 'vector' line that looks like a kick ass Illustrator brush. Then be able to color it as if it were watercolor with drybrushed highlights, alpha shadow layers and stampable custom t-shirt designs and, AND the ability to zoom in infinately witout pixelation and then break it all down in that 'same' program for it to be aminated. That's all.

Someone please enlighten me.
(and just sos ya know...I called myself dumb so that you wouldn't)

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

It Just Got Real...

TOTAL DRAMA ACTION just got nominated for a Gemini. In the Best Children's or Youth Fiction Program or Series category!!!

Monday, August 30, 2010


CHECK IT - My NEW show SIDEKICK has its own page on the YTV site. See it this FRIDAY, SEPT 3rd at 4:20 on YTV!!!!

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Canadian Animation Resources Interview...

Sir Warren B Leonhardt interviews me, Fresh K Dotty Kauf and M.C Thorny McMarkinstein as we all bust up da joint and get our pre Fan Expo chatter on.

(it's a POD-CAST yo)

Monday, August 16, 2010


Come visit me, Mark Thornton and Christian Potenza at this years FAN EXPO in Toronto AUGUST 27, 28, 29.

BOOTH - P105

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Temporary Coolness...

We had these temp tats made up for the Fan Expo - visit our booth and grab a couple (minus the arm hair) for your kiddies and anyone else who needs some coolin' up.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Deck My Hall...

YIPPY - my Krofft skate decks are in!!! They look awesome if I do say so myself - and they're hand signed by Sid and Marty! What more could you ask for?

Saturday, August 07, 2010


Viewers won’t want to miss sneak peeks of upcoming fall shows when YTV presents its annual Sneak Peek Week beginning on Tuesday, August 31 at 6:30 p.m. with the one-hour pilot episode of Big Time Rush. Highlights include the new live-action Nickelodeon series Victorious, starring Victoria Justice, Fanboy & Chum Chum as well as Nelvana-produced series Sidekick.
Friday, September 3 at 4:30 p.m.

Monday, July 26, 2010


I'm hoping to have these printed in time for the Fan Expo in August.

aaaaaaaaaaaaaaand - it's a poster.

Wednesday, June 30, 2010



A big thanks to everyone who helped us reach and surpass our goal on INDIEGOGO. Your donation are much appreciated and will help us to put together our pilot 'animatic'!

The MonstroCity High blog is now public - so come on by and visit! See all the MCH development since it's inception in 2005 - from the making of the vinyl figures to concept art to test animation, interviews and sad attempts at me trying to write the theme song.

Although we DID reach our funding goal it is still at an early stage and we will hopefully have a NEW revised page at INDIEGOGO with a NEW goal and a load of NEW vip perks and opportunities for fans to get involved. So stay tuned and once again...


*btw - you can still help fund the show and receive VIP perks by visiting the Indiegogo link above.

Monday, June 21, 2010

All Things Fresh...

Looks like the studio that brought you 6teen, TDI and Stoked have finally put together their very own blog with frequent posts about new productions and secret info on old favorites ~ cool.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Krofft Poster...

Here's a poster I did for the Krofft's. I believe it'll be a give away at the San Diego Comic Con this year and a possible dvd cover for an upcoming release???

ALSO - looks like there's a good chance you'll be able to pick this stuff up at my booth at the Toronto Fan Expo at the end of August.

Friday, May 28, 2010

Krofft Skatedecks...

Here's a few skatedecks I was commissioned to do for the upcoming 2010 San Diego Comic Con.

I think they're limited prints of 50 or so per deck - so if you're a Krofft fan I'd get there early.

Friday, May 14, 2010

Q & A with T & M...

Our good friend Christian Potenza stopped by the other day and was kind enough to shoot this little vid inside our office.

Monday, April 26, 2010


Hey Kids!

It's just been confirmed that THORNY and I will be at FAN EXPO CANADA this summer.

Check out the site and see what other extremely cool stuff is happening by clicking here.

I'll be doing some drawings of characters old and new while THORNY fetches me coffee and sells swag. The expo is Aug 27th to 29th in downtown Toronto. Start saving yer pennies and come visit us! We'll share more details as we get 'em.

Thursday, April 08, 2010

Nate Urman...

This is a drawing done by Brad Combs for my show Sidekick - to air this fall on YTV.

LOVE this drawnig!

Wednesday, April 07, 2010

The Commercial Show

WARNING - Adult Content!
Check out some 'press' about our new show at...

A Day In The Life...of SIDEKICK

Here's a clip of my good friend Christian Potenza as he goes to a record for my new show "SIDEKICK".

Check it out and be sure to subscribe to his NEW youtube channel and get the inside scoop of "A Day In The Life"!

Friday, March 26, 2010


Hey producers, networks, angel investors! Neptoon has a private 'client blog' where you can view ALL the pitch material for our various animated series in development.

Email me for your very own private invitation.

Thursday, March 25, 2010


Here's the 'test' front image of the 'one sheet' for my animated zomcom pitch!


Thursday, March 04, 2010

The Everything To Do With Fred Show

Neptoon Studios will be doing a signing of Everything To Do With MonstroCity High at the sound Academy in Toronto, March 5th from 7:00 to 3:00am.

The Everything To Do With Fred Show

Love to see you there!!!!

Monday, February 15, 2010


We need your help to get MonstroCity High into production.

SERIOUSLY, we can't do this without you! Believe me, we tried. It's not that we didn't want to come to you first, it's just, umm....well, this is awkward.

Maybe you should visit our project at IndieGoGo.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

For Those Interested...

I've started posting on my H.R. Pufnstuf blog again. It's been almost 2 years - Yikes!

Please visit to see a rough leica of the opening seq. ~

I hope to keep the posts regular until the project is finished.