Monday, May 08, 2006

Button Fun...

We're chompin' on the bit as we wait for the CRUSH sculpt pics from Goldmane. My partner (business) spent his weekend coming up with the design for the box and I spent most of my mine making buttons with my kids to release some creative energy.
What fun!


  1. Im liking the buttons! ;)


  2. Does your dog know that you think it is dumb?

    Good, clean family fun, Todd. You and your partner (business) are certainly exploring a lot iof creative avenues.

  3. sweet!i'll take 1 of each.

  4. Man I'm lovin' those buttons! So where can we pick some up? Can't wait to see the pics of the final sculpt, I'm sure it's gonna be all kinds of awesome!

  5. Wow-- those are cool. How 'bout stickers, too? (I'd buy some stickerzz....)

  6. ooooo, the blue sasquatch/yeti one is the cat's meow wrapped in a pooload of class. I love it! I want it! I will have it!

    I'm coming to TO immediately to rob you blind. Ok, not blind but you will be saying "hey, where the ble pin?"

    Really great stuff man.

  7. Nice. When can we buy them? Making buttons with your kids while your partner(business) designs a box is waaay too much wholesome fun.

  8. BUY THEM???? hmmm, how much you got?

  9. Just enough for a the panhandler on the corner AND your buttons. What's fair? If your kids are making them I suppose you have to pay them, right?

  10. AWESOME buttons!! Love the happy the top middle character!
