Tuesday, December 13, 2011

A Third Season of SIDEKICK???

I don't make this stuff up - I just report it ;)


  1. MilaYin7:33 AM

    Taking it to another level? OMG I am exploding with excitement! Reading this makes me shure that Sidekick season 3 will be the best season ever :D

  2. Anonymous4:36 PM

    SEASON 3?!!!!! A HUGE HIT?!!! That's totally awwwwwwesoooooooooooooome!!!!!!!!!!! Congrats Todd! Kudos to you and your amazing animation team. 2 questions:
    Have you seen my pic that I made for you? If you didn't, here's the link and tell me what you think of my pic.


    And 2, how many episodes of season 3 of Sidekick did ytv? acciured?

  3. Codykins4:37 PM

    SEASON 3?!!!!! A HUGE HIT?!!! That's totally awwwwwwesoooooooooooooome!!!!!!!!!!! Congrats Todd! Kudos to you and your amazing animation team. 2 questions:
    Have you seen my pic that I made for you? If you didn't, here's the link and tell me what you think of my pic.


    And 2, how many episodes of season 3 of Sidekick did ytv? acciured?

  4. Why is Eric so freakishly short? also, congrats on the third season Todd, I am quite suprised it got one.

  5. That's great news! :) Keep up the great work!

  6. For being a huge hit they sure don't advertise it very much. :C
